Re-Cap Birmingham Liver Patient Summit 2024

Follow the Re-Cap of the Liver Patient Summit hosted in Birmingham, AL, held in June of 2024, at the O'Neal Public Library.   A Visionary's Story Rosie Butler     MASLD/MASH Dr. Fernando Bril     A Patients Perspective David McKnight...

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Fatty Liver and NASH Workshop Presentations

Video of presentations from the Liver Focus workshop Fatty Liver and NASH, hosted by Mid South Liver Alliance, held in Nashville in June of 2023, are now available.   OBJECTIVES Review NAFLD disease burden and risk factors Review new screening guidelines for fibrosis in primary care and endocrine practices...

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Marketplace Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment extends to January 15, 2022, for people who need to sign up for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Below are links and the specific deadlines for getting the insurance you need. Enroll by December 15, 2021 for coverage that starts on January 1, 2022. Open Enrollment ends January 15,...

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Almost every visit to a health provider, results in a bilirubin test to make sure that it is in a normal range. Newborns are tested right way for bilirubin levels which are often high at birth and then correct on their own. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment that happens when red blood cells are being broken down in the...

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Liver disease causes the liver to function with less efficiency. The result is that fluids begin to build up in the liver. Over time, the pressure of this additional fluid begins to leak out into the belly. There is a layer of tissue in the belly that has two sheets. This tissue is the peritoneum and covers the...

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Some Tumors are Benign

Some Tumors are Benign

There are liver abnormalities that are benign or harmless. For the most part they are found on some routine CT or MRI being conducted for an entirely different reason since they generally cause no symptoms or pain. It does, however, mean that once they have been spotted, these abnormal spots will be tracked in...

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Re-Cap Nashville Liver Patient Workshop 2024

Follow along with the 2024 Nashville Liver Patients Summit held at the Nelson Andrews Leadership Building at Joe C. Davis Camp Widgiwagan of the YMCA. From Skeptical to Spritual Andrea Wilson Woods   What Does Liver Disease Mean? Shakirat Salvador, MD  ...

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Recap Liver Focus October 2021

Recap Liver Focus October 2021

Find the Recap of the Liver Focus from October 2021 with the full video of Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Management of Liver Cancer:    Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Management of Liver Cancer was presented by Dr. Hannah P. Kim, Hepatologist from Vanderbilt Medical Center; Dr. Joseph Owen, Radiologist with...

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Cholangiocarcinoma or bile duct cancer is a rare but aggressive type of liver cancer. Bile ducts are the narrow tubes that carry bile from the gall bladder through the liver and onward to the small intestine. Bile is the digestive fluid that breaks down food and metabolizes it for the body to use and filters the...

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Hepatic Encephalopathy

Hepatic Encephalopathy

Hepatic Encephalopathy Your liver works hard to remove toxins from the blood to help your system void. When the liver does not function properly, toxins build up in the blood. When toxins start to go to the brain, a person can begin show symptoms of confusion, become forgetful and may have a sweet or musty smelling...

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Recap: Memphis 2024 Liver Patients Summit

Follow along with the 2024 Memphis Liver Patients Summit held at Memphis State University. Find Videos of the panels here: Liver Patients Topics:   Robert Mitchell Thain Lorrinda Gray Davis Nathan Stokely   

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Resources for BIPOC Community

Live Another Day - Live Another Day was founded with the purpose of providing equal access to life-saving resources. They offer dozens of resources for finding help for mental health and substance use. Detox Local - An excellent resource that features abundant information including mental health and substance use...

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What About COVID-19 and Liver Disease

What About COVID-19 and Liver Disease

Mid South Liver Alliance is  working with the AASLD to help get important information out about COVID-19 and the special implications for patients with Chronic Liver Disease.    Within a very few months of the global pandemic of COVID-19 , it became clear that the virus was more severe in patients over the age of 65,...

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Variceal Bleeding

Variceal Bleeding

Blood travels through the liver as part of normal circulation. If the liver has blockages or scarred areas that restrict the blood’s normal path, the flow of blood will attempt to push its way through using the smaller veins in the liver. This places a lot of pressure on the smaller sized veins as the normal amount...

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Great Food Choices for Liver Health

Great Food Choices for Liver Health

You’ve gotten the news that you have some liver disease or maybe you are just looking for a way to help this hard-working organ before you have a diagnosis of liver disease. The question is what to do now. The challenge to walk or increase your exercise, eat a healthy diet and keep your weight in a normal range are...

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