Welcome to the Mid South Liver Alliance
Recognizing the need in the Mid South to support people with liver disease, the Mid South Liver Alliance was formed to provide education for patients and their families and to sponsor advocacy efforts to target funding and research by working with political leaders, The non-profit has drawn together medical liver disease specialists, community philanthropists and a growing cadre of volunteers to assist patients, their families and caregivers and community-based providers with education and to work with legislators to prioritize care for liver patients.
As a non-profit, Mid South Liver Alliance relies on donors and grants to support the mission with liver patients. All funds are used to further the educational and outreach activities within the our member states of Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Within our area of the United States, we understand that liver disease will strike approximately 1 in every 3 people and we recognize that within our states, there are lifestyle and access to healthcare issues that leave people more at-risk for liver disease and undiagnosed or untreated liver disease.

serving Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana.
The non-profit Mid South Liver Alliance understands that liver patients are complex patients in a primary practice setting, often with multiple diagnostic treatment needs associated with liver disease. And it is understood that the rural nature of many of our participating states and the lack of funding associated with the political decisions associated with having not expanded Medicaid leaves many residents without care or with poor access to care.
It is the goal of Mid South Liver Alliance to develop a network of community based volunteers who are trained and ready to assist liver patients with education, transportation to and from healthcare appointments and to work with the state’s advocacy efforts in educating elected officials. These very special volunteers are the core of our program and we hope that you consider joining our mission and becoming a Liver Alliance Volunteer and a regular donor.
Mid South Liver Alliance invites you to join our team of specialists, primary care providers, caregivers, families and, most especially, our patients as we work to assist those contending with liver disease.

We’re here for you…
For patients, caregivers and family members, the Mid South Liver Alliance understands that the journey of managing what may be a chronic or forever disease impacts the entire support system. From nutrition and exercise to finding ways to get to and from appointments, the volunteers and professional staff of Mid South Liver Alliance are ready to walk beside you through this process.
What Your Liver Does 24/7
Without taking any time off, you hard-working liver does a lot to keep you moving. One of the vital organs of the human body your liver has some important jobs. Among others, your liver cleans toxins/garbage out of your blood, stores glucose (fuel), digests fat (so that you don’t store it all), manufactures the protein that allows your blood to clot when you need it to, manufactures bile (which allows you to get rid of fats) and metabolizes your medications.
Fortunately, the liver has a remarkable ability to heal and to even regenerate when it has some sporadic damage. But an organ that deals with so much breaking down and manufacturing all the time could use a hand from you so that it doesn’t get damaged or overwhelmed by toxins you are putting into your system. Reducing the level of inflammation means decreasing alcohol consumption, shifting from high fat diets and doing what you can to decrease the possibility of viral infections like hepatitis can all help the liver cope with all the other things you are consuming.

9 signs of a Liver that is Struggling
- Dark Urine. Bilirubin is associated with jaundice, but is also associated with a change in urine color. Instead of yellow or light yellow, urine turns dark orange, amber or brown.
- Swollen Belly. When the liver isn’t functioning well, fluid is retained in the body that causes a swollen belly, feet or ankles.
- Bruises. The liver gives your blood the protein it needs to be able to clot. When you are not producing that protein in your liver, you may bruise easily.
- Spider Naevi. Spider Naevi and red dots on the skin that have blood vessels radiating out from them which gives these spots the appearance of a spider. When these are seen on the upper torso, especially in men, liver disease may be the cause. It should be noted that these are common in completely healthy women.
- Queasiness. When the liver can’t properly filter toxins, these elements build up in the blood which cause someone to feel queasy.
- Pale Stools or Tarry Stools. Bile in the stool is what makes it appear dark in color. When bile salts are not being released, it is a sign the liver is not working. Blood in the stool causes a black tarry appearance. This should get immediate medical attention.
- Red Palms.Noticeably red palms indicate liver disease. About 25% of people with cirrhosis of the liver develop red palms.
- Feeling Tired. While it isn’t exactly clear why, this is a common early warning.
- Yellow. Bile has a yellow pigment called bilirubin. When the liver isn’t functioning, bilirubin backs up in the blood giving the skin and eyes a yellow color. It also may cause an itchiness to the skin.

Liver Diseases
Stages of Liver Failure
Inflammation. In this early stage, the liver is enlarged or inflamed.
Fibrosis. Scar tissue begins to replace healthy tissue in the inflamed liver.
Cirrhosis. Severe scarring has built up, making it difficult for the liver to function properly.
End-stage liver disease (ESLD). Liver function has deteriorated tot eh point where the damage cannot be reversed other than with a liver transplant.
Liver Cancer. The development and multiplication of unhealthy cells in the liver can occur at any stage of liver failure, although people with cirrhosis are more at risk.
Contact Us
The Founding Sponsor of Mid South Liver Alliance is the Global Liver Institute through the Global Liver Action Network. Our organizations are working together to develop assistance to patients and their families and caregivers through education, advocacy and outreach.
Mid South Liver Alliance and the Global Liver Institute are non-profit organizations and are grateful for the continued support of our donors and volunteers.
Mid South Liver Alliance is a member of Giving Matters at the Community Foundation of Tennessee.