Walk With Me Challenge
Support the Alliance. – Ready. Set. Walk.
October 1, 2024 – October 31, 2024
Walk With Me – Challenge
In The Past 3 Years: Over 10 Million Steps Walked!
2024 Opportunity for Peer to Peer (team) Fundraising!
Grab those walking shoes and get ready for Walk With Me Challenge! Supporting the mission of the Mid South Liver Alliance in helping patients, families, caregivers and providers of care for Liver Patients, Walk With Me asks that you commit to walking every day throughout October!
This is a month-long walk which you can schedule in your own place and time to work with your schedule. All you have to do is make sure you record your step count on a calendar, each day. 10,000 steps are the recommendation for healthy livers, hearts, and lifestyles. Did you know that 2000 steps is considered a mile? So if you can make up to 10,000 steps you have walked 5 miles….. The main purpose of this walk is to build the habit of walking over 4 weeks, so you have a foundation to continue with through the rest of the year. BUILDING A GOOD HABIT!!!!
Suppose you wish to fundraise for us by building a team of people to help you raise dollars. Just click on the button below for instructions on building your team page, then follow the link given on the instruction page and click on “I want to fundraise for this” at the top of the page.
A calendar will be sent to everyone who signed up at the end of September so everyone can keep a log of their daily step count. Put it on your fridge or beside your bed, where you will remember to record your steps daily.
If you are walking and don’t have a step counter….Determine where you want to walk and open one of our celebrity walker’s videos to help you count the steps by walking with one of our walkers in a 1000, 2500, or 5000-step walk. They will help you know when to turn around (halfway through the walk) to get back to where you started.
Those who raise $30.00 or more will get a free t-shirt and those who increase their steps during the month by over 15% will be entered into a drawing for ” Gift Cards”. The funds raised from the walk will help us build our Patient Liver Summits across all 6 states and our patient services committee statewide funds in each of the 6 states.
Watch for emails for more information on the WALK WITH ME CHALLENGE.
Official Hashtag: #WWMC24
Need an Incentive to Get Walking?
Raise $30 and Earn the T Shirt for FREE!
Increase Your Steps By 15% of More During the Month and Be Automatically Entered for A Gift Card!